Chat Qur'an Nero 07:33 Qur'an Nero 07:34 Look for AZ Department of Education Paul Bartal 07:38 If you have interest in speaking at a future Breakfast meeting, please email me at Rich Elder 07:38 1st time attendee…Good Morning everyone! Dawn Feltner 07:38 Love their podcast highly recommend! Qur'an Nero 07:40 lol Paul Bartal 07:43 Good morning @RichElder... welcome... thanks for joining Robert Loy 07:45 Some of source of the problems, at least in tech, is that no one can meet all the requirements in the job decription. Paul Bartal 07:46 agree Robert.... I need to rank the most important attributes and then figure I can train them the rest Mike Sanders 07:46 Could this syndrome also be a generalized fear of the unknown? Ronald Rubio 07:46 So true! Marta Kalleberg 07:48 comparison is a big problem Dawn Feltner 07:49 Comparing your whole life against someone else's highlight reel in social media Scott Steinhagen 07:50 Is the Pod Cast name "Proj Mgt Happy Hour" or "In Proj Mgt" or .. ? Paul Bartal 07:51 Scott - Check out Scott Steinhagen 07:52 Thx Paul Sheila 07:53 "Fake it till you make it"? Sheila 07:54 love it! Mike 07:55 Fun Shit! Yeah!! Dawn Feltner 07:55 Name it to tame it Kori 07:58 One thing I heard that helped me was to "identify as" so If I wanted to be a good leader "identify as a good leader" they are good listeners, compassionate, empathetic, and inspiring... so that's what tell myself to be Sheila 07:59 lol! :) love it Neil Anderson 08:01 have a friend, spent 20 years as a Logistics Officer in the military, who feels like an imposter in industry because he doesn't have some of the recent industry certifications or a traditional job history post military. It's hard for him to convey his skills and experience in a resume. How would you recommend someone like him overcome recent feelings of inadequacy? Marta Kalleberg 08:02 it's the recent things that are tough. we hire college grads and some of them seem to have better training or learning than those in my group who have been working for many years. Marta Kalleberg 08:02 but then those working for a long time have other skills and abilities that are valuable Paul Bartal 08:02 Stuart Smalley! Qur'an Nero 08:03 just tackle it anyway, work my butt off, then look back and think "wow, that wasn't so bad!!!" Scott Steinhagen 08:04 Neil draft a Skills Resume instead of a Historical / Time format to ID the Skills then focus on those Robert Loy 08:05 Marta, thanks for referencing college grads. We have project management certificate at Grand Canyon University that leads to PMP. We also incorporate PM and Agile concepts in almost all classes that have project requirements. Robert Loy 08:05 We heard from out industry partners that grads were not ready for being a project member a few years ago. We filled that gap. Rich Elder 08:09 Feels to me that 20 years ago, hiring managers looked for potential to fill a role. These days, it feels like hiring managers expect someone who has already mastered the job requirements. How do you combat that? Qur'an Nero 08:10 Great point! Ken Goebel 08:11 The list of requirements usually is a "complete" wishlist. Often, if you have 70%, and have potential to learn the rest, then go for it. Paul Bartal 08:11 think it can depend on your industry... mine is kind of a niche industry, so I always look for people that have experience in it Sheila 08:15 lol Ken Goebel 08:15 Have hired many "Vet Owned and Operated" Contractors. They are polite, engaged, committed, skilled, and show up no matter what the challenge. You start way ahead with a Vet. Dawn Feltner 08:15 Learned from a similar webinar to keep a "Feel-Good File" whenever you have something you accomplished on the job, learned a new skill, got a compliment from a peer or higher up keep a log to refer to. Also great for when you have those performance reviews ;) Ken Goebel 08:15 Thanks Kim and Kate. Cynthia Kerford 08:15 love the examples shared. Than you! Mary Ryan 08:16 love their podcast! Brendan Elliott 08:16 Thank you! Great presentation! Cassandra Larson 08:16 Thank you! GradyFullerA 08:16 This was great, thank yoU! ashleigh 08:16 It's aged beautifully. New listener, new-ish professional - love what I've heard so far. Joe Maloney 08:17 PM Happy Hour is an incredible podcast that covers a broad array of PM topics. Get it in your ears! Jennifer Columbe 08:17 Fantastic topic! Thank you! Scott Steinhagen 08:17 The Team Talk (Pod Cast) format with only a few slides was enjoyable change THX Sheila 08:17 Thank you! Trish Kingsbury 08:17 Enjoyed this happy hour! Thanks!! Donna Califano 08:18 really enjoyed Awesome - Beth 08:18 Thank you Wendy Torrance 08:18 I'm new to you and your podcast but really enjoyed this breakfast meeting! Deb 08:18 Thank you Qur'an Nero 08:18 Great presentation! Thank you Terri Thompson 08:18 Thank you, great thought-provoking ideas! Jen Williams 08:24 This is my first meeting with the AZ team and it definitely exceeded my expectations. I'm definitely looking forward to joining in on more meetings and listening to your podcasts. Thank you! Clotilda 08:24 Thank you Paul Bartal 08:24 Welcome Jen... thanks for joining... hope to see you back at future breakfast meetings Mike 08:25 Gotta go. Thanks Kim and Kate! Anthony 08:25 That is great input Mike.. We are trained to identify risk, its impossible not to apply that to ourselves as well Marta Kalleberg 08:26 thanks, very fun listening and great slides! Jennifer Blankenship 08:26 Great presentation Merit 08:26 Thank you very much! This was great and motivating! Cheers! Sandra 08:26 Fun presentation! Jaime Gomez 08:26 Thanks! Sandra 08:26 Fun presentation! Jaime Gomez 08:26 Thanks! Mike Sanders 08:27 Thank you. Great meeting Ken Goebel 08:27 Thanks Kim and Kate. Thanks Paul for setting these meetings in motion. Reggie Bates 08:27 Thank you! LisaLapp 08:27 thank you was great! -