May Breakfast Meeting - Why Stakeholders regularly Ignore your Project Reports and how to Fix that


Brief Synopsis of the presentation

The #1 way to improve the success probability of your project is to nail stakeholder buy-in - but how do you do that?

The #1 way to nail stakeholder buy-in is to give them uncomplicated visual project updates so they actually understand your project - but how do you do that?

Join Peter 'The Lazy Project Manager' Taylor to explore the world of project reporting, and communication, along with effective stakeholder engagement – it is all about making people actually care and understand about your projects

After all, 'reporting is not communicating...'

3 Learning Objectives:

  • Know what are the common barriers to effective stakeholder communication?
  • Learn how can you truly engage senior stakeholders balancing their limited time and focus against the complexity of your project update?
  • Understand the power of visual superiority when reporting

Speaker Bio: Peter Taylor

Peter Taylor 2020 1021

Speaker, Consultant, Trainer and Coach, Peter is the author of the number 1 bestselling project management book ‘The Lazy Project Manager’, along with many other books on Project Management, PMO development, Executive Sponsorship, Transformation Leadership, and Speaking Skills. He has built and led some of the largest PMOs in the world with organizations such as Siemens, IBM, and Kronos. In 2020 he was awarded the PMO Global Alliance ‘PMO Influencer of the Year Award’. He has also delivered over 450 lectures around the world in over 25 countries and has been described as ‘perhaps the most entertaining and inspiring speaker in the project management world today’.

June Breakfast Meeting - ITER - How to successfully manage agility, complexity and uncertainty in a mega project

During this webinar, Dr. Elise Delchambre, Risk & Opportunity Officer at ITER Organization (IO), will tell us about the ITER project, an international scientific project that brings together 35 countries, located in the South of France.

ITER aims to demonstrate the feasibility of nuclear fusion - the process that powers the sun and stars - as an abundant, safe, carbon-free, and nuclear waste-free source of high activity and long life. We will learn how the management of risks and opportunities fits into the management of a complex mega project. We will see why the management of such a project combining technological and scientific issues is a subject of study in itself. We will discover how opportunity management can be a major asset in adapting to an uncertain and disruptive context and why prioritizing and managing cross-functional risks is essential in an environment where complexity and interfaces evolve throughout the life of the project. We will see that it is possible to have a clear strategic vision, full alignment of all parties to these goals, and the ability to adapt to complexity - elements known as the common success factors of megaprojects.


ITER Risk & Opportunity Management Officer

Born in Arles, France, Elise went to Université de Provence in Marseille to major in Physics with a minor in astrophysics. After her thesis and post-doctorate in England (UKAEA) She worked at CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) as a research engineer, it was in 2012 that she understood that it was necessary to master project management methodologies to succeed in ambitious scientific projects. She decided to train in project management and became Risk & RAMI Officer for the WEST project, then gradually group leader at CEA and responsible for a PMO contract for a diagnostic development project for the ITER project.

About ITER


ITER ("The Way" in Latin) is one of the most ambitious energy projects in the world today.

In southern France, 35 nations* are collaborating to build the world's largest tokamak, a magnetic fusion device that has been designed to prove the feasibility of fusion as a large-scale and carbon-free source of energy based on the same principle that powers our Sun and stars.

The experimental campaign that will be carried out at ITER is crucial to advancing fusion science and preparing the way for the fusion power plants of tomorrow.

ITER will be the first fusion device to produce net energy. ITER will be the first fusion device to maintain fusion for long periods of time. And ITER will be the first fusion device to test the integrated technologies, materials, and physics regimes necessary for the commercial production of fusion-based electricity.

Thousands of engineers and scientists have contributed to the design of ITER since the idea for an international joint experiment in fusion was first launched in 1985. The ITER Members—China, the European Union, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the United States—are now engaged in a 35-year collaboration to build and operate the ITER experimental device, and together bring fusion to the point where a demonstration fusion reactor can be designed.

July Breakfast Meeting - Enabling Change as a Project Manager (Regardless of the change, the stakeholders, their appetite for change, or yours!)



Change appetites vary, and changes can be hard. But they don’t have to be. Equipped with a few simple concepts, PMs can help enable change in their organizations.

  • Defining the terms makes it change simpler.
  • A growth mindset helps with any change.
  • A people-positive attitude helps with any stakeholder.
  • Envisioning change as a journey helps set the stage for the messages we need when going through transition, and helps others hear what they need to hear, right when they need it most.

This engaging look at the processes many people go through around change and the messages that help them move forward will help you look at change a little differently, with the end goal of improving your own ability to help others through the transition process – regardless of the magnitude of the change or the change appetite of those facing it.


By attending this course, participants will:

  • Encounter common symptoms of change and transition as well as indicators of change appetite – and what to do about them.
  • Explore how your attitude and mindset can be leveraged to help the attitude and mindset of others.
  • Gain a simple, easy-to-replicate model that offers both strategies and tactics to help bring those around you through change successfully.


Sinikka Waugh

Sinikka Waugh

Founder, Owner, Trainer, and Coach

Sinikka Waugh, president and founder of Your Clear Next Step, spends her days helping people have better workdays. Trainer, coach, business leader, and difference-maker, Sinikka is known for consistently helping people improve their emotional intelligence and find innovative ways to solve problems and get things done at work.  Putting her background in languages, literature, and project management to good use, since 2006 Sinikka has provided compassionate leadership in transformation initiatives. Her clients value how her results-driven professionalism blends seamlessly with her down-to-earth, “try this now” approach and her relentless passion for helping others achieve even better. Her class participants describe her as energetic and engaging (even over Zoom!). Sinikka holds a BA from Central College, an MA from the University of Iowa, and is a certified Project Management Professional through the Project Management Institute (PMI). Sinikka and her husband Spencer live in Indianola, Iowa with their two teenage daughters.  The team at Your Clear Next Step lives the company’s core values of being intentionally reliably useful, approaching problems with creativity and the art of the possible, being positive people-people, and demonstrating humility alongside confidence as they deliver training and coaching to their clients in central Iowa and around the world. 

August Breakfast Meeting - How to network and build your business or career when you can’t leave home

Recent global events have turned the business environment upside down in a hurry. Conferences have been canceled, events have been delayed, and face‐to‐face meetings are non‐existent. People are working from home en masse and being urged to practice social distancing.

As humans, we have the need to be connected. It’s part of our DNA. But, how do we do that when our circumstances are keeping us isolated, alone, and lost?

Thankfully, technology can fill the void. Better yet, it can help your business grow, career advance or project move forward during these tough times…if you know how to use it.

Successful project management is 80% about the people and 20% about the process. Building relationships in a technology‐driven environment requires a new mindset, an innovative approach, and unique skills


What you’ll learn by attending this program :

  • The 3 biggest obstacles to building online relationships and how to overcome them. 
  • The 4 cornerstones of online relationships and how they affect relationship development. 
  • The 5 secret (and proven) online networking strategies that radically impact relationships and results. 
  • How to measure your progress and success in moving relationships towards a professional outcome. 
  • How to reduce the stress of online networking to drive your business results.



About Michael Hughes, North America’s Networking Guru: Michael specializes in helping professionals increase results by improving their ability to develop and leverage relationships. Following a 23‐year corporate career, he has spent the last twenty‐plus years coaching business, corporate and sales professionals to achieve better results.

His client list includes Project Management Institute, Association for Service Quality (ASQ), APICS Alcatel‐Lucent, Dell, Sun Microsystems, Staples, RBC Royal Bank, Fannie Mae, Ball State University and the University of Ottawa’s Telfer Executive MBA program.

For more information about him and his programs visit


Managing People in Projects - An effective strategy (1 Leadership PDU)


Project Management is much more than balancing the triple constraint. It deals with handling people and managing them towards the deliverables. People-related challenges are at times more complex than technology or business challenges. Even with the same set of processes, some projects are able to exceed expectations, and some fail. It is because, at the end of the day, those processes are executed by people.

This presentation provides an effective approach for PMs to manage people based on the three vectors - Skill/Talent, Opportunity & Passion/Interest. PM could follow a different approach for each team member depending on where they stand with respect to these three vectors. Characteristics of four possible scenarios and the action plan a PM could take for each of the scenarios will be presented. By applying appropriate management techniques this way, the PM can get the team energized and set it for success.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Understand the importance of the three vectors (Skill/Talent, Opportunity & Passion/Interest) in managing people in projects.
2. Understand four possible scenarios for the team members with this model
3. Apply the model to managing their teams for a successful outcome
4. Build energized teams

Speaker Bio:


Srinivasan Radhakrishnan (Srini) is a thought leader & author with 25+ years of global IT and academic experience. He holds M.S. in Engineering and multiple professional certifications (PgMP®, PMI-ACP®, PMP®, CSCP®, CSM®, LSSYB, SAP® BW®, AWS-CCP & SAA). Srini has worked with Intel for 16 years and is currently a faculty with Arizona State University.

Srini has worked in India, USA & Singapore and has managed programs & information technology teams across India, USA, Costa Rica, Israel, Ireland & Malaysia. Has performed in a variety of roles - Program Manager, Project Manager, Business Operations Manager, Change Management Process Owner, Service Owner and People Manager.

Srini is also a judge for global IT/Business/Science & Engineering awards (Stevie, Globee, CODiE, Brandon Hall, ISEF). He has published books, articles, blogs and chaired/presented in seminars & workshops. Books by Srini include “B+ Be Positive” and “30 Day CIO - No More Layoffs”.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
