The PMI Phoenix Chapter is your link to the Project Management Institute (PMI), the largest and most diverse international organization in the world dedicated to the profession of project management. The Chapter was founded in 1978 as the 29th Chapter to be chartered in the United States. The Chapter has grown and evolved, and today it has approximately 2600+ members representing project management in industry, consulting, government, and academia. Over two-thirds of our members have earned PMP credentials. We serve our members in the greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Flagstaff, Prescott, Yuma, Kingman, 20 Indian nations, and many other outlying communities in Arizona. We were incorporated on September 29, 2000, as a 501(c)(6) non-profit corporation as defined by the United States Internal Revenue Service.

Chapter of the Year Award for 2023

The PMI Phoenix Chapter was the reciepient of the PMI 2023 Chapter of the Year Award. This award celebrates standout chapters, acknowledging their impactful contributions to members, the project management profession, and the Project Management Institute. It's a platform to share best practices and document achievements.
Our Vision
The PMI Phoenix Chapter is recognized as a community that is actively engaged in promoting and embracing project management development, expertise, and outreach.
Our Mission
To support the growth of the project management profession through:
- Networking within the broader project management community
- Fostering professional development opportunities
- Volunteering in our communities
- Promoting equity, inclusivity, and diverse cultural perspectives
PMI Phoenix Chapter
3104 E Camelback Rd
Unit #7138
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Please feel free to reach out to the Elected Board if you have any questions, concerns, "hey, that was a great idea" or "I've got an idea for you"! If you are unsure as to whom, check out the Leadership Teams for clarity. Submit a communication using the this form..