May 17, 2023 - Agile Series Part 2 - Agile Practices for All Projects (Expires June 17)





Join PMI Phoenix and IIL Advantage Program as we embark on a two-part Agile series. During these sessions we'll dive into the importance of roles and responsibilities that should be represented on every Agile team. We'll also dive into the importance of Agile practices that can be applied to all projects. Agile will continue to dominate the workplace, so don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your Agile knowledge and experience! This event is free for PMI Phoenix members, and only $10/session for non-members.

Register for Agile Series, Part 1: Agile Roles and Responsibilities 


Part 2, Agile Practices for All Projects | May 17, 2023 at 1:00-2:00 AZ time/PDT

Agile methods are becoming increasingly prevalent, and have facilitated projects in reducing time to market, being adaptive to changing customer requirements, and increasing value to customers and organizations. These benefits have been implemented in both IT and non-IT environments to help all types of projects.

This webinar will present ways to leverage some Agile software development techniques and processes that can be readily incorporated into your projects to enable greater flexibility and higher productivity, while maintaining the traditional project lifecycle framework. The overall goal of the webinar is for you to be able to integrate appropriate Agile elements and/or techniques into any project in any environment.


What You Will Learn

After this one-hour session, learners will be able to:

  • Apply Agile development techniques in a project lifecycle framework
  • Establish ways to improve productivity

May 10, 2023 - Agile Series Part 1 - Agile Roles and Responsibilities (Expires June 10)




Join PMI Phoenix and IIL Advantage Program as we embark on a two-part Agile series. During these sessions we'll dive into the importance of roles and responsibilities that should be represented on every Agile team. We'll also dive into the importance of Agile practices that can be applied to all projects. Agile will continue to dominate the workplace, so don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your Agile knowledge and experience! This event is free for PMI Phoenix members, and only $10/session for non-members.


Part 1, Agile Roles and Responsibilities | May 10, 2023 at 1:00-2:00 AZ time/PDT

Agile methods are becoming increasingly prevalent, and have facilitated projects in reducing time to market, being adaptive to changing customer requirements, and increasing value provided to customers and organizations. These benefits have been implemented in both IT and non-IT environments to help all types of projects.

Part of the success of Agile has been a restructuring of roles and responsibilities from the traditional approaches. The overall goal of this webinar is for you to relate the key responsibilities and accountabilities of these roles, and the part they play in a successful Agile project. Lastly, we will provide an overview of the common individual certifications that are available.


What You Will Learn

After this one-hour session, learners will be able to:

  • Explain the common Agile roles and responsibilities
  • Scrum Master
  • Product Owner
  • The development team
  • Distinguish the traits and attributes of a cross-functional team
  • Identify the common Agile certifications available


Register for Agile Series, Part 2: Agile Practices for All Projects


About the Speaker

Steven is a Project Management Professional, Instructor, Consultant, Writer, and Coach with over 50 years of experience in technology management, consulting, and marketing positions. He specializes in the design and installation of business-oriented accounting systems and databases for commercial and government clients in the distributed environment. Steven has a reputation for on-time, on-budget delivery of high-quality software products as well as great communication and interpersonal skills.

April 2023 - PMI Chapter Xchange - The Metaverse – Is it our New WoW

PMI Chapter Xchange Event The Metaverse – Is it our New WoW 2023 – third year of existing with COVID. Complex projects, an exhausted workforce, cost pressures, and looming recession are some added challenges that organizations face today. How does it impact our projects? What’s in and what’s out – Project management in 2023? How does a project manager’s role change in these challenging times? 


April 2023 Breakfast Meeting - Project Management - Local to Global

Presentation Title: Project Management - Local to Global

Connecting awareness of White House priorities, UN Sustainable Development Goals, and Global Citizen with activities at home and in our local communities. Exercising Life Balance Project Management to reduce waste, conflict, and stress. AND enjoy our Purpose Communities.


Speaker Biography:

Felicity Blackwater

Felicity is a certified PMP, graduated from ASU with a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies in Business and Communication, and is a Licensed Massage Therapist.

Twenty years specializing in Project efficiency and Organizational Stress Management for networks with over 26 Million members.

Author of STEPs to JOY, a Project Book on Life Balance framework, of life’s 5 JOYs [Goals - Health -  Relationships - Business - Sustainability] to save 5 limiting resources [Time - Money - Stress - Space - Pain]. And founded Purpose Community Goal Network to nurture connections between individuals and organizations, projects/process improvements on personal and global issues.

PDU: 1.0 Power Skills

March 2023 - PMI Chapter Xchange - The Silent Trends Quiet Quitting, hiring and thriving

Last year's end saw Quiet Quitting's emergence, a trend where employees put in a minimal amount of effort to get through the workday. Now, entering the third month of 2023, a new buzzword has entered the workplace — Quiet hiring. According to Gartner, quiet hiring is one of the nine workplace trends of 2023. Quiet hiring is the practice of an organization acquiring new skills without hiring new full-time employees. Amidst this chaos of becoming quitters in silence, another concept surfaced – Quiet thriving- that involves finding ways, steps, and measures to engage with work. How can we, as project managers, avoid the quiet quitting of our teams? Can quiet hiring be beneficial for our teams? Do project managers play a role in bringing in the shift from quiet hiring to quiet thriving?

