How to Score on LinkedIn

In this valuable power-training session, You’ll learn the essential knowledge you need to optimize your profile and grow your connections across the most visible and trusted online business community.


  • Existing LinkedIn profile
  • Downloaded LinkedIn app on a personal smartphone

What attendees will learn in this webinar:

  • Know how hiring managers and recruiters find you
  • Know how to set yourself apart in your LinkedIn profile
  • Know how to reach out and establish online relationships

Speaker Bio:


Miriam Spinner, ACC, PMP, BBSix Sigma, CIPP

Miriam grew up in the outskirts of Detroit near the now famous 8 Mile Road.  She pursued an education in Industrial Engineering and worked at an auto plant in which she was one of three female engineers.

With her 30-year career working for Fortune 500 companies in various risk, privacy, and project management leadership roles, Miriam knows how to help people grow and develop in their professional careers.  She left the corporate world to pivot and secure her coaching certification from the gold standard International Coaching Federation.   She now helps project leaders find their career shifts.

Miriam is PMP, CIPP, Six Sigma Black Belt and ACC certified.

Her favorite quote is “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” by Neale Walsch.  Miriam practices what she preaches with an unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth. She stretches herself by cycling 100 miles in 5 hours, returns to school mid-career, and challenges her clients to hike on the path of purpose and passion.

PDU: 1 Strategic Business Management Skills