Stop the Scope Creep! Using Chg Mgt to keep the Monsters at Bay

Controlling project scope is one of the most important things we can do as project managers, but nearly all of us are guilty of letting it slip at one time or another. Don’t Let Scope Creep sneak up on you! In this presentation, Kim and Kate, co-hosts of the Project Management Happy Hour podcast bring this fun and slightly salty presentation to PMI Phoenix, sharing some tough-learned lessons, practical tips, and maybe a couple of horror stories about scope creep.

Speaker Biography

This webinar is hosted by Kim Essendrup and Kate Anderson from

Kim Essendrup

Kim is a PMP certified project manager and PMI Registered Education Provider with over 20 years of experience managing projects, programs, and PMO’s, and the resulting emotional trauma. Partner at the  PPM consulting firm Kolme Group, LLC, he also has an unnatural fascination with PPM tool deployment and optimization. You can This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or find him on LinkedIn

Kate Anderson

Kate Anderson is an Information Security professional who is a recovering Project Manager. Having spent 10 years in Tech driving difficult projects to closure, her current focus is in the M&A space. She lives in Chicago with her wife, dog, snake and yes, she loves the weather, even the winters. Kate can be found on LinkedIn for professional inquiry or you can This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your latest shenanigans.

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