Science & Engineering Fair PVSEF 2022 Volunteer Experience
Abhijit Ganguly, our Director of Volunteer Management, was a member of the judges team. He described the both the middle school and high school competition. "We have two hours of judging each group so it is four hours. In addition to that, studying the projects, scoring and paperwork is another four estimated hours to volunteer.
This has been a very rewarding experience for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The students came up with some very unique ideas that could save the environment, control pollution, ideas like rain water harvesting, preventing solar reflection, preventing effects of pesticides on bees, effects neon lights on brain, sea floor cleaning, degrading plastic, use of levitation and so on were very thought provoking. We all enjoy BBQ but never thought of CO2 emission from each grill, a simple trick can reduce the emission by > 30% . It was amazing to see these kids thinking so much and that they are concerned about the planet and its wellbeing. The projects were so relevant and made me rethink some of the things we take for granted. I am so glad I got to be part of this."