Webinar Topic: 

Imposter Syndrome Diagnosis and Treatment

Topic Summary:

“I am in way over my head.” 

“I have no business doing this job”

“There is no way I’m qualified for this” 

Have you ever told this to yourself? If so, you may be infected with Imposter Syndrome! But that’s OK, all highly capable people, especially project managers, find themselves with this affliction at one time or another - and again and again :-) 

Not only can Imposter Syndrome take the fun and motivation out of your job, it holds many capable professionals back from their potential. So, get treatment today! 

In this episode, Kate and Kim share their experience dealing with their own Imposter Syndrome, and share how we dealt with it, and how we coach our mentees to shine in spite of self-doubt. Get after it! 

Speakers: Kim Essendrup and Kate Anderson

KimEssendrup-(2).png  KateAnderson.png


Kim Essendrup and Kate Anderson are hosts of the pmhappyhour.com podcast.

Kate Anderson (they/them)

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kateimprovanderson/

Podcaster, Product Manager, Dungeon Master, Dressage Rider.
For the last 10 years, I’ve been unblocking stuck problems and giving teams the clarity and accountability they need to move forward
I am currently a Sr Product Manager at PayPal, leading our Cloud Portfolio of products. I’m also co-hosting my podcast, PM Happy Hour, nerding-out about project management techniques, good communication and ppm tools with Kim.

Kim Essendrup (he/him)

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kim-essendrup/

I solve problems.
Co-founder of the Kolme Group consultancy, Kim has been in the trenches delivering projects, building delivery organizations, implementing PM tools and providing mentorship and coaching to experienced and aspiring project leaders for over 20 years. But his favorite work is hanging out with Kate, chatting about project management on PM Happy Hour

Document Links:

Chat Text

Webinar Transcript