IIL News

International Institute for Learning

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International Institute for Learning – Thought Leadership
  1. By Dr. Al Zeitoun and Dr. Harold Kerzner The future of project management must have a balance between the tactical and strategic focus, in addition to a balance between digital and human. This balance will be key to achieving effective and sustainable strategic value realization.
  2. By Alan Zucker We should view project management approaches as a palette of options.  Predictive, Agile, and Lean/Kanban form the boundaries.  Hybrid is the vast interior space.
  3. By Rick Lemieux – Co-Founder, DVMS Institute Cybersecurity project managers manage risk and threats in cybersecurity projects. They help organizations understand challenges like new vulnerabilities, attack vectors, and the complex world of technology and government regulations.
  4. Par Elissa Farrow, Ph.D. et Harold Kerzner, Ph.D. En 2024, nous pensons que les tendances en matière de gestion de projet refléteront une évolution notable, des méthodologies traditionnelles vers des approches plus dynamiques, axées sur l'entreprise et centrées sur les personnes.
  5. With Guest Jane Morgan, hosted by Dr. Leon Herszon  Tune in to “Inside Stories” with Jane Morgan, senior consultant and executive coach. Discover Jane’s journey, her expertise in one of the most crucial skills in today’s world – managing organizational change. An insightful episode filled with practical tips and inspiring success stories!