
Waterfall vs. Agile: Choosing the Right Project Management Method

How do you decide which project management approach is best for your project? Let's review them to help you decide.


The Waterfall method usually includes five project management stages (or phases): Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring/Control, and Closing 

Waterfall is a linear form of project management ideal for projects where the end result is clearly established from the beginning of the project. The expectations for the project and the deliverables of each stage are clear and are required in order to progress to the next phase. 



Agile project management is a flexible and iterative approach that enables teams to quickly adapt to changing project requirements and deliver high-quality results within shorter timeframes. 

Agile method is about teamwork, customer satisfaction, constant refinement, and breaking big projects into bite-sized pieces. By prioritizing collaboration and communication, agile processes enable teams to pivot and respond to evolving customer needs while maintaining a high level of flexibility. The focus on continuous improvement means that teams are always seeking ways to optimize their processes and deliver the best possible results. 


The Project Management style 

As the Project Manager you are responsible to select the correct method that will deliver the best possible result. The Project Manager needs to understand how the project is currently organized and the reporting process. Understanding of the requirements, timeline, deliverables, best company practices, management structure and individual contributors skills is key to develop the Project Scope Statement.  



Foundation of Waterfall and Agile 

The main difference is that Waterfall is a linear system of working that requires the team to complete each project phase before moving on to the next one, while Agile encourages the team to work simultaneously on different phases of the project. Does your project require strict regulations or requirements?  Waterfall is better suited for projects with regulations or requirements (Like formal Contract or DoD contract). The Agile process is mostly found in IT companies, that have requirements that allow some variability and the team can create a prototype and move fast and proceed in parallel in different phases. When choosing between Agile and Waterfall, consider how involved the project owners or stakeholders will be in the project. Agile is better suited for projects where stakeholders need to be closely involved every step of the way and require flexibility. Waterfall is more schedule focus with fixed dates and hard requirements.  






Hands-off, except with upfront planning 

Frequent stakeholder and client interaction and discussion 


Fixed timeline defined in the initial plan 

Sprint is a time block and can include experimenting and different directions. A sprint cycle should deliver a functional element at the end. 

Stakeholder Involvement 

Limited client involvement, project owner defines key upfront requirements. 

Expected and continuous. Clients are expected to define the functional use. 


Fixed and established early 

Can evolve throughout project 


Low; each phase needs to be fully completed before moving on to the next phase. 

High. Work is done in sprints. This method welcomes adapting to different direction in future sprints 


Fixed. The project is defined at the start. 

Flexible. Agile is open to adaptation and change of direction. Should provide impact of change 


About the Author: Bruce Schwickrath, PMP 

PHX Mentorship Program Director 

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  • Joined PMI in 2001,  and PMP certified 2005 
  • Denver Chapter Member from 2001  
  • Phoenix Chapter Member from 2017   
  • Booz Allen Hamilton as Advisory Project Manager to the Navy DoD for 13 years  
  • Chapter President of the Southern Maryland Project Management Institute (PMI) 
  • Wrote parts of the PMBOK 5 edition 
  • Leader/ Project Manager for the PMI 2010 Global Congress conference in (DC)  
  • Presenter for Denver PMI Chapter for the Saturday 1/2 day monthly workshops at Regis University  
  • PMI Global Knowledge Management Leader to the PMI Consulting Community of Practice 
  • President and founder of the Southern Maryland Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) 

A-Z of Soft Skills for Project Managers


By Bode Adeyemi

What are soft skills?
Soft skills are non-technical skills that allow individuals to interact with each other and navigate their work environment. These skills are often called "people skills" because they impact relationships and communication. Soft skills are important in the workplace because they enable individuals to collaborate with their colleagues effectively, communicate ideas clearly, and adapt to changing their environments. Employers cherish soft skills as they contribute to a positive work culture, enhance productivity, and improve overall job performance. Developing and honing soft skills can lead to professional growth, making individuals more well-rounded and adaptable in various situations. The following soft skills can help project managers achieve great results in their workplace.

1. Adaptability is adjusting and thriving in changing, uncertain, or unfamiliar circumstances. It allows individuals to navigate transitions, overcome obstacles, and succeed in dynamic and evolving environments. Adaptability can help project managers cope with change, improve problem-solving abilities, and enhance resilience and personal growth.

How to become adaptable in the workplace:

  1. Embrace Change: Stay open-minded and view change as an opportunity for growth and learning.
  2. Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude and outlook, even in challenging situations.
  3. Develop Problem-Solving Skills: Improve your ability to think critically and find solutions to unexpected problems rather than complaining.
  4. Communicate Effectively: Keep lines of communication open with team members to stay informed and adaptable.
  5. Stay Flexible: Be willing to adjust your approach or methods when faced with new challenges or tasks.
  6. Seek Feedback: Seek feedback to improve and adapt to your role continuously.
  7. Learn Continuously: Stay curious and seek new knowledge and skills to stay relevant and adaptable in the workplace.

2. Attention to detail is the ability to thoroughly and carefully focus on and notice even the smallest aspects of a task, project, or situation. It is important in various fields, including professions requiring precision, accuracy, and quality control. It can help project managers produce high-quality work, avoid mistakes, and achieve better results.

How to pay attention to details in the workplace:

  1. Create Checklists: Break down tasks into smaller steps and check them off as you complete each.
  2. Take Notes: Write down important information and key details to reference later.
  3. Set Reminders: Use calendars, task apps, or alarms to stay on track with deadlines and appointments.
  4. Double-check work: Review your work for errors or inconsistencies before submitting or sharing it.
  5. Ask for Clarification: Seek clarification on tasks or expectations to ensure you understand the details correctly.
  6. Take Breaks: Avoid fatigue by taking short breaks to rest your mind and refocus your attention.
  7. Seek Feedback: Request feedback from colleagues to identify any areas for improvement in your attention to detail skills.

3. Communication is a multifaceted skill that involves speaking, writing, active listening, and reading to understand. Effective communication is the key to successful professions and relationships. Project managers can navigate conversations with empathy and understanding by clearly and concisely speaking, writing thoughtful messages, actively listening to other's perspectives, and reading to gain insight and knowledge. This holistic approach to communication promotes open dialogue, decreases misunderstandings, and fosters strong connections.

How to communicate in the workplace in speaking, writing, active listening, and reading:

  1. Speaking: Clearly articulate your thoughts, be concise and organized in your speech, and use appropriate tone and body language.
  2. Writing: Structure your written messages with clarity and coherence, use proper grammar and spelling, and tailor your language to your audience.
  3. Active Listening: Pay attention to the speaker, show empathy and understanding, ask thoughtful questions for clarification, and paraphrase to confirm your understanding.
  4. Reading: Engage with diverse texts, deepen your knowledge and perspective, and connect ideas to enhance comprehension and communication skills. Also, ensure you read and re-read and understand official emails or letters before your reply.

4. Workplace conflict resolution involves addressing and resolving disagreements or disputes between employees or teams constructively and collaboratively. Effective conflict resolution not only resolves current issues but also fosters a positive work culture, improves teamwork and promotes overall productivity and morale within the organization. Project managers can use this skill to settle disputes and achieve project goals.

How to resolve conflict in the workplace:

  1. Address the issue promptly: Do not ignore conflicts; they may escalate if left unattended.
  2. Encourage open communication: Provide employees or teams with a safe and respectful space to express their concerns and perspectives.
  3. Practice active listening: Listen attentively to all parties involved and seek to understand their viewpoints.
  4. Identify common interests: Find areas of agreement to work towards a mutually beneficial solution.
  5. Collaborate on finding a resolution: Involve all parties in brainstorming and deciding on the best action.
  6. Focus on the problem, not the person: Keep discussions focused on the issue rather than personal attacks.
  7. Follow up: Monitor the situation to ensure effective resolution and address lingering concerns.

5. Critical thinking is the ability to logically and objectively analyze information, ideas, and arguments to make well-informed decisions and solve problems. Critical thinking helps project managers to think critically and independently, enabling them to assess and understand complex situations, solve problems, and make informed decisions.

How to think critically in the workplace:

  1. Analyze the situation: Assess the problem or task, gather relevant information, and identify key issues.
  2. Question assumptions: Challenge underlying assumptions and consider alternative viewpoints.
  3. Evaluate options: Generate multiple solutions, weigh their pros and cons, and consider potential outcomes.
  4. Make informed decisions: Use logic and reasoning to select the best course of action based on available information.
  5. Seek feedback: Welcome input from colleagues to gain different perspectives and refine your thinking.

6. Decision-making is the process of selecting a choice or action from multiple alternatives. It involves evaluating different options, considering various factors such as risks, benefits, consequences, and uncertainties, and ultimately choosing the best course of action based on available information and personal preferences. Decision-making influences the outcome of various situations and can impact a project manager's success and well-being. Effective decision-making requires critical thinking, analysis, problem-solving skills, and evaluating the pros and cons of different possibilities before making a final choice.

How to make decisions in the workplace:

  1. Define the goal or problem: Clearly articulate the objective that needs to be addressed.
  2. Gather relevant information: Collect data, feedback, and stakeholder input to inform decision-making.
  3. Evaluate alternatives: Consider various options and their potential outcomes, weighing the pros and cons of each.
  4. Consider risks and benefits: Assess each alternative's potential risks and rewards.
  5. Decide: Choose the best action based on your analysis and assessment.
  6. Implement the decision: Communicate the decision to relevant parties and implement the plan.
  7. Monitor and evaluate: Track the results of your decision, evaluate its effectiveness, and adjust as needed.

7. Dependability is the quality of being reliable and trustworthy. It refers to the ability of a person or thing to perform as expected or promised, without fail consistently. Dependability is an important trait in project managers, ensuring they can be counted on to deliver consistent, high-quality results.

How to become dependable in the workplace:

  1. Communicate effectively: Keep colleagues informed about progress and potential challenges.
  2. Meet deadlines: Prioritize tasks and manage time effectively to deliver work on time.
  3. Follow through on commitments: Fulfill promises and obligations to colleagues and supervisors.
  4. Be proactive: Anticipate needs and take the initiative to address issues before they escalate.
  5. Take ownership: Acknowledge mistakes, learn from them, and strive to improve performance.
  6. Collaborate: Support team members, help, and contribute to shared goals.
  7. Maintain a positive attitude: Approach work with enthusiasm, resilience, and a solutions-oriented mindset.

8. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability of project managers to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively navigate his/her own emotions as well as the emotions of others. It involves being aware of and controlling one's feelings and empathizing and communicating effectively with others based on their emotional cues and responses. Emotional intelligence is critical in various aspects of life, including personal relationships, leadership, decision-making, and overall well-being.

How to demonstrate emotional intelligence in the workplace:

  1. Self-awareness: Recognize your emotions and their impact on others.
  2. Empathy: Understand and consider colleagues' feelings and respond sensitively.
  3. Relationship management: Build positive relationships, resolve conflicts effectively, and collaborate productively.
  4. Communication: Listen actively, communicate clearly, and adapt your communication style to different situations.
  5. Adaptability: Flexibly adjust to changing circumstances and remain composed under pressure.
  6. Emotional self-regulation: Manage stress, control impulses, and maintain a positive attitude.

9. Humility is being modest, respectful, and open to learning from others. It involves acknowledging one's limitations and weaknesses while valuing the contributions and perspectives of others. Humility fosters collaboration, empathy, and effective leadership by encouraging humble individuals to work collectively towards common goals. Project managers can use this skill to control people respectfully to achieve desired tasks.

How to stay humble in the workplace:

  1. Acknowledge strengths and weaknesses: Recognize personal limitations and seek growth opportunities.
  2. Listen actively: Value others' opinions and perspectives and show genuine interest in their ideas.
  3. Show appreciation: Acknowledge and thank colleagues for their contributions and support.
  4. Take accountability: Admit mistakes, apologize when necessary, and learn from failures.
  5. Avoid seeking recognition: Focus on team success rather than personal accolades.
  6. Stay open to feedback: Welcome constructive criticism and use it to improve performance.

10. Integrity is the quality of being honest, ethical, and trustworthy in one's words and actions. It involves aligning one's behaviors and decisions with strong moral principles and values, even when faced with challenges or temptations to compromise those principles. Project managers with integrity are truthful, reliable, and consistent in their actions, and they uphold high standards of honesty and accountability in all aspects of their professional endeavors.

How to demonstrate integrity in the workplace:

  1. Being honest and transparent in all interactions.
  2. Keeping promises and commitments.
  3. Admitting mistakes and taking responsibility for them.
  4. Treating others with respect and dignity.
  5. Following ethical guidelines and company policies.
  6. Avoiding gossip and negativity.
  7. Seeking feedback and continuously improving.
  8. Standing up for what is right, even in challenging situations.
  9. Maintaining confidentiality and respecting others' privacy.
  10. Making decisions based on values rather than personal gain.

11. Leadership is the ability to inspire, influence, and guide others toward a shared goal or vision. Project managers must motivate and empower individuals or groups to achieve their full potential and work collaboratively towards a common objective. Leadership is not about authority or control but fostering collaboration, growth, and creating a positive and productive work environment. Strong leadership drives change, inspires innovation, and achieves long-term success in any organization or community.

How to lead in the workplace:

  1. Vision: Set the goal that needs to be achieved.
  2. Communication: Communicate expectations and feedback to team members.
  3. Lead by example: Demonstrate the behaviors and work ethic you expect from your team.
  4. Delegate tasks: Assign responsibilities based on team members' strengths and skills.
  5. Provide support: Offer guidance, resources, and assistance to help team members succeed.
  6. Foster teamwork: Encourage collaboration, cooperation, and mutual respect among team members.
  7. Inspire and motivate: Keep team morale high by recognizing achievements and providing motivation.
  8. Make decisions: Take charge and make informed decisions that benefit the team and organization.
  9. Continuously learn and improve: Stay current with industry trends, seek feedback, and adapt your leadership style.

12. Motivation is the inner drive or enthusiasm that prompts an individual to act, set and achieve goals, and pursue aspirations. It is the force that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior toward a specific goal or outcome. Motivation can come from internal factors, such as personal goals, values, and beliefs, as well as external factors, such as rewards, recognition, or social influences. Project managers can motivate employees to achieve set goals when used timely.

How to motivate employees in the workplace:

  1. Recognize and appreciate employees' efforts and achievements.
  2. Provide opportunities for growth and development through training and advancement.
  3. Offer meaningful rewards and incentives that align with individual motivations.
  4. Foster a positive work environment that encourages collaboration, communication, and respect.
  5. Set clear goals and expectations to give team members a sense of purpose and direction.
  6. Encourage autonomy and empowerment by allowing team members to make decisions and take ownership of their work.
  7. Communicate openly and transparently to provide feedback, guidance, and support.


13. Negotiation is a strategic communication process where parties with conflicting interests engage in discussions to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. It involves assessing needs, interests, and priorities to find common ground and resolve differences. Workplace negotiations can occur in various situations, including salary negotiations, project planning, conflict resolution, and contract agreements. Negotiating with clients requires preparation, effective communication, and a focus on building a mutually beneficial relationship. Project managers can negotiate with their teams to achieve set goals by finding a mutual ground that is a win-win for both parties.

How to negotiate with clients:

  1. Understand the client's needs and objectives.
  2. Set clear goals and determine your negotiating position.
  3. Listen actively to the client's concerns and preferences.
  4. Communicate your value proposition and offerings.
  5. Be flexible and willing to compromise to find a win-win solution.
  6. Build rapport and trust with the client throughout the negotiation process.
  7. Follow up with clear agreements and commitments.

14. Being organized in the workplace involves efficiently managing tasks, time, and resources to maximize productivity and effectiveness. Being organized allows for better decision-making, reduces stress, and improves focus and concentration. Organized project managers can meet deadlines, handle multiple projects simultaneously, and achieve goals with a sense of control and order in their work environment.

How to be organized in the workplace:

  1. Create a to-do list or schedule to prioritize tasks.
  2. Use calendars, planners, or digital apps to track deadlines and appointments.
  3. Keep your workspace clean and organized to reduce distractions.
  4. Establish a filing system for documents and emails for easy retrieval.
  5. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps.
  6. Set aside dedicated time for important tasks and minimize interruptions.
  7. Regularly evaluate and adjust your organizational systems to optimize productivity.

15. Patience is tolerating challenges without becoming frustrated. It involves maintaining a calm and understanding attitude in difficult or stressful situations and waiting for desired outcomes without rushing or becoming overly anxious. Patience is an important virtue that allows project managers to navigate life's challenges with grace, perseverance, and resilience. It is often associated with self-control, empathy, and staying focused on long-term goals despite setbacks or obstacles. Patience can improve relationships, decision-making, and a positive outlook on life.

How to be patient in the workplace:

  1. Practice mindfulness and deep breathing techniques to stay calm in high-pressure situations.
  2. Take breaks when needed to help reset and recharge.
  3. Listen actively to colleagues' concerns and perspectives before responding.
  4. Set realistic expectations and deadlines to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  5. Practice empathy by putting yourself in others' shoes to understand their viewpoints better.
  6. Communicate clearly and openly to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
  7. Keep a positive attitude and focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems.
  8. Seek support from colleagues or supervisors when feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

16. Problem-solving involves identifying, analyzing, and resolving issues or obstacles that impede progress or performance. Developing viable solutions requires critical thinking, analytical skills, and creativity. Effective problem-solving often involves collaboration, communication, and brainstorming with colleagues to generate ideas and perspectives. By addressing challenges proactively and finding practical solutions, project managers can contribute to increased efficiency, productivity, and overall success within the workplace.

How to be a problem-solver in the workplace:

  1. Identify the problem: Clearly define the issue and its impact on the workplace.
  2. Analyze the root cause: Investigate and understand the underlying factors contributing to the problem.
  3. Gather information: Collect relevant data and insights from colleagues or resources.
  4. Brainstorm solutions: Encourage collaboration and generate ideas to address the problem.
  5. Evaluate options: Assess each solution's feasibility, risks, and potential outcomes.
  6. Decide: Select the most appropriate solution based on the analysis.
  7. Act: Implement the chosen solution effectively and efficiently.
  8. Follow up: Monitor progress, gather feedback, and adjust as needed to ensure success.

17. Public speaking is delivering a speech or presentation to a live audience. It involves effectively communicating information, ideas, or messages in a clear, engaging, and persuasive manner. Public speaking can occur in various settings, such as conferences, meetings, classrooms, or events, and is a valuable skill in a professional context. When knowledgeable, project managers can speak confidently in public and handle projects independently.

How to speak in public:

  1. Prepare and practice your speech or presentation thoroughly to feel confident and organized.
  2. Know your audience and tailor your message to their needs and interests.
  3. Start with a strong opening to grab the audience's attention and set the tone for your speech.
  4. Speak clearly and at a moderate pace to ensure your message is understood.
  5. Use visual aids, storytelling, or examples to enhance your message and keep the audience engaged.
  6. Maintain eye contact and use body language to convey confidence and connect with the audience.
  7. Handle nerves by taking deep breaths, pausing when needed, and focusing on your message.
  8. End your speech with a powerful closing that reinforces your main points and leaves a lasting impression.

18. Stress management refers to various techniques and strategies project managers can use to cope with and reduce stress levels. It involves identifying sources of stress, understanding how they affect mental and physical well-being, and implementing effective methods to alleviate stress. Stress management helps individuals build resilience, improve overall well-being, and maintain a healthy life balance.

How to manage stress in the workplace:

  1. Identify stressors: Recognize sources of stress, such as excessive workload, poor communication, or difficult relationships.
  2. Prioritize tasks: Organize and prioritize your workload to focus on high-priority tasks and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Take breaks: Incorporate short breaks throughout the day to relax and rejuvenate.
  4. Practice time management: Plan and schedule tasks to reduce last-minute rushes and deadline pressures.
  5. Communicate effectively: Express concerns or seek support from colleagues or supervisors.
  6. Practice self-care: Engage in regular physical activity, healthy eating, and sufficient rest to support overall well-being.
  7. Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life to prevent burnout.
  8. Seek help if needed: Consider seeking support from mental health professionals or employee assistance programs for additional help managing stress.

19. Teamwork refers to the collaborative efforts of project managers working together with their teams to achieve a common goal or objective. It involves sharing responsibilities, leveraging each other's strengths, and supporting one another to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively. Effective teamwork fosters communication, trust, and mutual respect among team members. It also promotes creativity, innovation, and a sense of camaraderie within the team. Teamwork improves productivity, problem-solving, and success in achieving organizational goals.

How to work as a team member:

  1. Communicate openly: Share information, ideas, and feedback with your team members to promote transparency and collaboration.
  2. Listen actively: Pay attention to others' perspectives, opinions, and concerns, and show respect for their input.
  3. Contribute positively: Offer your insights, skills, and expertise to help achieve team goals and support your colleagues.
  4. Be reliable: Fulfill your commitments, meet deadlines, and follow through on tasks to build trust and accountability within the team.
  5. Collaborate: Work with your team members, discuss challenges, and find solutions collectively.
  6. Show empathy: Understand and support your colleagues, show empathy, and build strong relationships based on mutual respect.
  7. Be adaptable: Be open to change, willing to take on different roles, and flexible in handling evolving situations.
  8. Provide constructive feedback: Offer constructive feedback to help improve team performance and foster a culture of continuous learning and growth.

20. Time management refers to project managers' strategies and techniques to effectively prioritize, organize, and allocate their time to maximize productivity and achieve their goals. Effective time management helps project managers stay focused, meet deadlines, reduce stress, and ultimately improve overall performance and success in the workplace.

How to manage time in the workplace:

  1. Set goals and priorities: Identify and prioritize your most important tasks based on their importance and deadlines.
  2. Create a to-do list: Write down all the tasks you need to accomplish and break them down into smaller, manageable steps. This can help you stay organized and focused.
  3. Use a calendar or planner: Use a calendar or planner to schedule your tasks and appointments. This can help you allocate your time effectively and ensure you don't miss any deadlines.
  4. Limit distractions: Identify and eliminate sources of distractions in your workplace, such as unnecessary meetings, social media, or emails. Set aside specific times for tasks that require focus and concentration.
  5. Delegate tasks: If possible, delegate tasks to colleagues or team members to free up your time for more important responsibilities.
  6. Take breaks: Taking short breaks throughout the day can help refresh your mind, improve productivity, and avoid burnout.
  7. Stay organized: Keep your workspace tidy to reduce clutter and minimize time spent searching for things.
  8. Set deadlines: Establish realistic deadlines for each task to help you stay on track and prioritize your workload.
  9. Learn to say no: Be selective about taking on additional tasks or responsibilities that may interfere with your ability to focus on your priorities.
  10. Review and adjust: Regularly review your progress, assess what's working and not, and adjust your time management strategies as needed.


21. Zeal refers to strong enthusiasm, passion, and dedication toward one's work. Project managers who demonstrate zeal are motivated, proactive, and eager to take on challenges and achieve goals. Zealous project managers approach tasks with energy and commitment, which can inspire and motivate their colleagues. Zeal can help team members stay engaged, productive, and focused on their objectives, making them valuable assets to their organizations.

How to be zealous in the workplace:

  1. Set clear goals: Define specific, achievable goals that align with your interests and values. Having a clear direction can fuel your enthusiasm and motivation.
  2. Stay positive: Maintain a positive attitude when facing challenges or setbacks. Approach tasks with optimism and a can-do attitude.
  3. Take initiative: Proactively seek opportunities to contribute, learn, and grow. Volunteer for projects, share ideas and take on additional responsibilities.
  4. Be passionate: Identify aspects of your work that genuinely excite and inspire you. Focus on these areas to fuel your passion and enthusiasm.
  5. Stay engaged: Participate in meetings, discussions, and collaborative projects. Stay informed about industry trends and developments to maintain your enthusiasm.
  6. Show appreciation: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements and those of your colleagues. Recognizing your efforts and successes can boost your motivation and enthusiasm.
  7. Seek feedback: Request feedback from colleagues to understand your strengths and areas for improvement. Use constructive feedback as an opportunity to grow and enhance your performance.

Summer FUN in the Sun

Summer FUN in the Sun

Heather Cardosi, June 24, 2024

It’s summertime! Kids are out of school; public pools are open and vacations abound. Take the time to break from work and have fun. Doing so will ensure your mind is ready to focus when work does resume. Here are some suggestions to help you step away that are suitable for all budgets and life stages.

Kid Friendly Suggestions

Indoor Activities

If you or your family love museums, why don’t you try the Arizona Museum of Natural History in Mesa, AZ? This museum has dinosaurs and fossils in addition to a nice selection of meteorites, minerals, and Arizona historical topics. Kids can pan for gold, walk through an old western jail, or for those really young ones, play in the hands-on space in the Exploration Station (children 6 and under).

Have young board kids and only want to step out of the house for an hour or? Try one of the many fast-food play places near you. Even if all you order is a few drinks, this is a great way to get out of the house and have the kids burn some energy off. If you are working from home and can take a long lunch, this is another great way to entertain children.  Just make sure to call ahead or check online that the location you are heading for still has a play place.

Outdoor Activities

For those looking to get wet, try the Glow Kayaking classes through the City of Tempe. Head out for a night of fun under the stars while paddling across Tempe Town Lake. Peddling equipment is provided, and ages are 10 and up with youth requiring an adult to join them.  This and other paddling options are available throughout July and August.

If you like hiking, there are many trail options on both sides of the valley, with just a small park fee to access and park. White Tank Mountain Regional Park in the West Valley has many beautiful trails and includes walking, biking, and even a small waterfall trail as some of the options. For the East Valley, try McDowell Mountain Regional Park, or Usery Mountain Regional Park. These and many more options are available all around the valley. Search for your local regional park HERE. Just remember to take safety precautions when out on the trail.

If you want to get away for a few days and don’t mind a little bit of a drive. Try the Sunrise Park Resort (among others) in Greer, Arizona. Average summer temps here are a balmy 75 degrees and offer a variety of activities to include ziplining, fishing, camping, and more.

Safety Reminders

Whatever you do, please make sure to take safety in mind. If you are outside this summer, always drink lots of water, wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat, and pay attention to how you feel. Don’t forget about your furry friends either.

 Human Sun Safety


“Dogs respond differently to heat than humans do, cooling themselves primarily through panting (did you know they can only sweat through their paw pads?). They easily overheat in extreme temperatures. In addition, their paws can burn on the hot ground. If it is too hot for your bare feet, it is too hot for your pet’s paws. 

Pet Sun Safety

If you take your dog early in the morning before temperatures rise, consider using protective booties for their paws, and ensure they have access to shade and water at all times.

Lastly, never leave your pet in a vehicle, even for a minute. If temperatures are high, your pet will be more comfortable and safe left at home. Know the warning signs of heat distress in your pet, like loud rapid panting, excessive thirst, vomiting, and more as well as how to help them with information from the Arizona Humane Society.”

For more safety tips go online to the safety tips section HERE.


**PMI Phoenix is not endorsing or recommending or suggesting any of the places mentioned here. 

Power of Perspective

Heather Cardosi, June 12th, 2024


Everyone has those days where everything seems to be going wrong. Woke up late, car broke down, and then the school calls because kiddo is running a fever. The world is out to get them. Let me tell you a story…

There was a 17-year-old girl with a neurological disorder that causes her to pull out her own hair. She is poor and has relied on the state to provide a wig. She is so afraid the other kids will know about her bald spots. She just wants to be normal. On her 18th birthday, the state will no longer provide wigs and her family can't afford them. So, the day before her 18th birthday, she shaved her head. She cannot afford her wigs, so she will embrace her baldness.

Later she sits in front of the mirror and cries. Looking into the mirror, tears running down her face, she smiles and says, “I'm free”. She has never been on a roller coaster, swimming, or driving a car with the top down because of her wigs. Her wigs, and her fear, were stopping her from living her life. She is truly free.

This is a true story and somewhere there is a young lady, bald as can be, and smiling. Next time everything is going wrong, and it just keeps piling on stop, breathe, and try finding a new perspective. You might find your own free.

Volunteer of the Month - Shahrzad Badvipour

We are thrilled to announce Shahrzad Badvipour as our Chapter Volunteer of the Month (VOTM). Shahrzad's dedication and commitment to the PMI community shine brightly, and we're excited to recognize her contributions.

Meet Shahrzad Badvipour:

  • PMI Volunteer Position:Collegiate Faculty Advisor
  • PMI Volunteer Team:Outreach and Education
  • PMI Volunteer Supervisor/Manager:Steve Poessnecker

A Glimpse into Shahrzad's Journey:

Shahrzad joined PMI in 2020 and became a volunteer in 2021. Her decision to volunteer stemmed from a desire to give back to the community and share her experiences in her journey to become a project manager. She found a platform within PMI-Phoenix Chapter to contribute her skillset and engage with like-minded individuals.


Shahrzad's Volunteer Contributions:

Initially involved with the academic community, Shahrzad later embarked on a project, turning her ideas into reality with the help of a dedicated team. She expresses gratitude to Susan Wynne, Joan Barnes, and Trevor Stasik for their support throughout the process.


The Rewards of Volunteering:

For Shahrzad, the most rewarding aspect of volunteering lies in collaborating with seasoned project managers who generously share their knowledge and support. Through her volunteer service, she learned valuable lessons in motivation and teamwork, essential elements for project success.


Advice for Potential Volunteers:

To those considering volunteer work for the Chapter, Shahrzad emphasizes the opportunity to connect with passionate individuals sharing similar career goals. She encourages staying active, motivated, and engaged, as the community is a source of inspiration and support.


Getting to Know Shahrzad:

  • Hidden Talent:Interior design
  • Favorite Destination:Africa
  • Guilty Pleasure:Warm cookie and ice cream
  • Passionate About:Teaching & research, project management, environment, and sustainability

Personal Insights:

Shahrzad's philosophy revolves around never taking shortcuts and facing uncertainties head-on. She finds inspiration in everyday heroes and takes pride in moments where she can help others.


Dreams and Aspirations:

Shahrzad's bucket list includes extensive travel, exploring small towns, learning new skills like painting and musical instruments, and making a positive impact on others' lives.


Causes Close to Shahrzad's Heart:

She deeply cares about environmental issues and is dedicated to making a difference in this sphere.


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Hitting Pause on Management


Hitting a Pause on Management 

Heather Cardosi, April 8th, 2024

As a project manager, I often roll out of bed with my first thought being coffee and my second, the projects I have running. At the end of my day, locking my computer doesn’t stop the planning and checking of emails. My phone dings for chats and emails long after my workday has ended, as is the case with many project managers today. This constant always on may be doing more harm than good.

“Research, recently published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, suggests that constantly thinking about work may hurt rather than help your performance as a leader… because it drained their mental resources. Instead, leadership effectiveness was highest on days in which leaders mentally turned off from work the night before and were able to recharge” (Jennings, Gabriel, and Lanaj, 2024, p. 1).

Breaking the always-on habit is easier said than done. Redirecting our brains to other tasks can be difficult, requiring the building of new habits and reactions. The first step is to identify where work should end, and personal times begins.

Establish boundaries between work and home. If you work from home this can be much harder but not impossible. Let your co-workers know that when your day is done, you won’t be replying to email and chat. If you need a critical escalation point, then have them Call or Text for an emergency, then establish what can be considered an emergency. If you are going out of office for PTO, set a backup and notify your stakeholders of who to contact.  

Find ways to detach. Once correct expectations have been set, find ways to stop the notifications so they don’t undermine your efforts. Snooze alerts on your cell phone and make a rule you do not open your chat or email.

Use your time for you. Do family activities, run a load of laundry, hit the gym, or even relax with a book. Ensuring personal time is used in ways that are personally rewarding allow for better focus when work time resumes. Competing priorities are lessened as family, household responsibilities and your physical and mental health have each had time to be addressed.

The above won’t solve everything, but taking personal time every day will help lower stress levels and refresh the mind. When stress levels are lower, the ability to mentally pivot increases and the likelihood to react without though lessens. Be willing to put a pause on project management to see just how much of a positive impact it can be. 


Jennings, Ramy; Gabrial, Allison; Lanaj, Klodiana. “Want to Be a Better Leader? Stop Thinking About Work After Hours.” Harvard Business Review,  3 January 2024,