EOY 2019
Dear Members,
As the year wraps up, it is a time for reflection. First off, let me say thank you for being members, volunteers, and partners in our Chapter, a volunteer organization and supporting the year of change, 2019.
It is the volunteers working diligently to bring you, the membership, the value you expect and have come to know from the chapter. So, what did 2019 bring for the chapter…? New technology to improve quality of events, new website functionality and a focus on the Military Outreach program to serve the Veterans in our community.
The following words are not new and in the spirit of Deming, I want to emphasize…continuous improvement is an organized approach to identifying opportunities for improvement that can help an organization meet its goals for sound financial liquidity, reducing costs, and accelerating innovation. The approach is also used to enhance the quality of a product or service, and to continue our Chapter vision and mission on education. We take this approach and will strive to improve our implementation at the organizational level. PMI Global wants our strategic goals to focus on customer value, and the members are the customer.
If you attended the All Member meeting, you saw our 2019 and 2020 goals with metrics. We will continue to reduce waste and review activities for value and lower costs, enhance customer satisfaction, and upgrade product quality with our investment resources.
The new board for 2020 is in place, they created goals and a strategy from your member survey and the PMI Global leadership direction. We will continue the continuous improvement journey next year.
Continue to submit suggestions they are actioned and appreciated. It is your voice and your chapter. Together we can raise the bar and be relevant in 2020.
Cory Smith, MBA, PMP, CSM
PMI Phoenix Chapter
December 2019 President's Corner
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