The 2021 budget is ready for approval by the Board - in record time this year. Compiling a budget for the PMI Phoenix chapter is a complex process because it requires the Board to look into the future and come up with specific plans for providing members of the chapter with the services and support, they are looking for. As you might guess, there are a lot of moving parts to the process and all the VPs must be in alignment on our strategy. That alignment is reflected in the specifics of our proposed budget the 2021. Normally the process takes us into January to complete. But this year we are considerably ahead of schedule thanks to the leadership and skill of the Finance liaisons to the VPs on the Board. Specifically, they are, Andy Aiyer and Mohit Goel. Dave Casebere shared that “they have done a great job”.and the board executives (the stakeholders) echo that this project was successful.
Volunteer Spotlight - Finance Team
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