Heather Cardosi, June 12th, 2024


Everyone has those days where everything seems to be going wrong. Woke up late, car broke down, and then the school calls because kiddo is running a fever. The world is out to get them. Let me tell you a story…

There was a 17-year-old girl with a neurological disorder that causes her to pull out her own hair. She is poor and has relied on the state to provide a wig. She is so afraid the other kids will know about her bald spots. She just wants to be normal. On her 18th birthday, the state will no longer provide wigs and her family can't afford them. So, the day before her 18th birthday, she shaved her head. She cannot afford her wigs, so she will embrace her baldness.

Later she sits in front of the mirror and cries. Looking into the mirror, tears running down her face, she smiles and says, “I'm free”. She has never been on a roller coaster, swimming, or driving a car with the top down because of her wigs. Her wigs, and her fear, were stopping her from living her life. She is truly free.

This is a true story and somewhere there is a young lady, bald as can be, and smiling. Next time everything is going wrong, and it just keeps piling on stop, breathe, and try finding a new perspective. You might find your own free.